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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goal Setting

As we are approaching the new year I’m sure many of you are reflecting on this past year and thinking about the events that filled your year. Perhaps you're thinking about the progress you’ve made whether in your personal life or professional life. Now is the time to come up with some goals and plans for 2012. Goal setting gives you a vision and  direction to help you move forward and puts the things you want to accomplish in a clearer light.  When you are ready to begin your goal setting here are a few tips to make the process a little easier.

1) Think positively and creatively, anything that comes to your mind is fair game, don’t limit yourself, you’re brainstorming here!

2) Create a ‘master list’ of projects and goals you’d like to accomplish in the new year.

3) Keep your list of goals positive not about the things you want to eliminate or stop doing but about the things you want to replace those with.

4) Break your goals into short term and long term goals, this can make it easier and help you put your focus on the ones you want to work on first.

5) Add a timeline and a call to action for each specific goal. This may take some thought, so take your time, you can always go back and re-evaluate later.

One of my goals for 2012 is to consistently increase the number of products in my store.  Designs by Shell  A long term goal but one I can work on every day.  Here are some of my latest designs…


  1. Very lovely designs plus I love your blog.

  2. Thank you appreciate your great comments and visit! Happy New Year! :-)

  3. Wonderful blog post. This is something I really need to do. Happy New Year!

  4. Thanks Brenda, glad you find it useful. Happy New Year too! :-)
