Collection: We've Moved New Address Labels

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Valleys and Mountain Tops

In life we can all expect to find ourselves in a despairing valley at sometime. We are all human and things are going to happen to us and around us that are out of our control!  It might be a different type of valley that you experience. For some it may be a physical health issue, mental health issue, financial stresses, business disappointments, relational difficulties or one of many other circumstances that you find yourself in.  

When you are in the valley it may feel like things are never going to change and you are never getting out of there. You can't will the problem away or demand it leave because life just doesn't work that way.  

Mountain tops are high and lofty and seem like a great place to remain. We can see amazing scenic views from the top of mountains. Unfortunately living on a mountain top will not allow us to grow. What I mean by that is growth takes place in hard places, like down in the valleys, where trials come. Yup, as hard as it is to lose the view from the mountain top we all have our turns in  the valley and we all need to find the strength and resilience to climb out once again.  

Everyone will experience trials and difficulties in this life. For me, I am so glad of my relationship with Jesus because I know he is always working for my good even when it feels like I'm being swallowed up by a valley experience.  I can trust that he is with me and I'm not on the journey alone.  The valley is where we learn and can truly appreciate God's grace in our lives.  Even through the most difficult times we are not alone.  

Spending time reading, praying and listening to inspirational devotionals can help you relax and know that God's grace, comfort and peace will never fail.  His promises are true.  I hope you find this encouraging if today you find yourself in a valley of despair and discouragement.  Good days are coming!