How is your business marketing working for you? Have you found some great websites where you can promote your business, products or services? I wanted to share this exciting new website that I recently came across, have you heard of ‘Netleeks’, this is a really cool site where you can create unique and professional looking webpages very quickly. Even those who consider themselves non-techies like myself can figure this out no problem. This website has a unique tool they call a ‘burst tool’ that allows you to put out creative webpages about interesting topics, products and pretty much any gadget you want to promote. Each ‘burst’ can contain 5 links to pages that relate to the title that you have chosen for your page. There are step by step instructions on how to proceed and publish your ‘burst’. Add tags and once it’s published share it with one of the many social network buttons to further promote it. You can create a profile page with your business and other links and add friends too! There is also a public facebook page where you can meet others on this site and get some great tips to help you make better ‘bursts’. It’s so easy and I think it may be addicting once you get going too. There is also the opportunity to make some money if someone purchases a product through one of your pages. So come on, you should check this site out, don’t you think! Netleeks
Well here are some of the latest designs I’ve been busy creating, a few summer theme designs as well as some fun robots that I came up with. Hope you enjoy, stop by my store to see more Designs by Shell.